The winners of the program «Act without Barriers!» 2024 for participants with musculoskeletal disorders, mental disabilities and general diseases have started implementing their projects!

Olga Kuznetsova’s team, the project «VDNH Accessibility Map»

Thanks to the project, low-mobility groups of the population will be able to choose affordable walking options, freely navigate the complex, which will allow them to diversify their leisure time and take a fresh look at one of the most popular public spaces in the city.

Lyudmila Vasilyeva’s team, the project «Opportunities»

The project is aimed at creating videos with useful content, life hacks on everyday issues and adaptation to living conditions with physical disabilities for people with musculoskeletal disorders using a wheelchair. The videos will be available on VKontakte, YouTube, RuTube, Yandex Dzen and on the websites of relevant organizations.

Timur Yagodin’s team, the project «Important and necessary»

The project aims to create and promote a series of videos dedicated to topical issues for young people with mental disabilities: personal hygiene; proper nutrition; dress code; financial literacy. The videos will be available on VKontakte, YouTube, RuTube, Telegram and Yandex Video.

Denis Davydov’s team, the project «Billiards for All»

The project is aimed at working with people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and other forms of disability. One of the most important tasks, we see, is to popularize billiards as a professional sport among people with disabilities. Thus showing that billiards is available to everyone. The competitions will be held in two categories, wheelchair athletes and athletes with other forms of disability.

Antonina Nesterova’s team, the project «Softy style»

The project is aimed at developing the acceptance of the characteristics of their bodies by children and adolescents through the creation of a unique style of adaptive casual clothing. The problem of corsetotherapy, namely the unwillingness of children to constantly wear a corset, prompted us to look at this socio-psychological problem in a different way, from the perspective of changing attitudes towards it and through the prism of fashionable language, through creativity.

We want to tell and show the guys that casual clothes can be fashionable, attractive, that you can use prints to create them, as your secret language, a sign of belonging to a special community, a cipher. Creativity is an effective tool for developing important life skills in children, it is an endless opportunity to make choices, reconsider decisions and evaluate results.

The program is implemented with the support of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the city of Moscow in conjunction with the Moscow City Organization of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled.

The City Methodological Center for the Socio-cultural Integration of people with disabilities into the cultural life of the city of Moscow participates in the implementation of the program.